Sunday, April 6, 2014

DIY | Mini Whisk Necklace

I'm always a fan of wearables that both show your passion are quirky conversation starters (see my knitter's necklace DIY). Although I often don't have the chance to update my "things to bake" part of my blog, I still consider baking as one of my favorite hobbies.

DIY Mini Whisk Necklace

(Difficulty: Easy)


(1) Wire (I find 20- and 22-gauge wire to be the most suitable)
(2) Jewelry pliers
(3) Necklace chain + lobster clasp

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1. Bend your first loop with your wire to about 2 inches long. Repeat and form a total of 4-5 loops. Depending on the thickness of your wire, adjust the number of loops accordingly.

2. Gather your loops and begin wrapping your wire around the bunch about half an inch from the top.

3. Keep wrapping your wire around the bunch until you reach the end. Trim excess wire as needed. Form a small loop at the top.

4. Loop your bunch of loops around your finger and make your loops rounded. Separate your loops and adjust as need to mimic a whisk.

5. String your chain through the small loop you made and wear!

Now you've got yourself an adorable little whisk! Technically it is a fully functioning (albeit mini) whisk that'll do in a pinch if you need to urgently mix something :)

** Don't wanna DIY? Prefer to B-U-Y? I'll be selling any extras I made, along with many other items, in my shop Two Teaspoons coming soon. Stay tuned!


  1. OOOH! Lovely!
    Happy to have discovered your blog, I'm following you on Bloglovin', Instagram…
    A fashion & DIY blog...

    1. Thanks so much Novella! I'm a huge fan of your blog as well. Keep up the fabulous work! :)

  2. Love this idea! Where did you get the pink wire?
