Tuesday, June 30, 2015

DIY | Metallic Tattooed Phone Case

Another episode of let's tattoo everything in sight with flash tattoos! I had some gorgeous tattoos from BlinBlinMe.com (not sponsored, review coming soon!) on hand and I figured since tattooing eggs worked out pretty well that I'd try tattooing a yet another phone case since I tend to change them up so much.

DIY Metallic Tattooed Phone Case

(Difficulty: Easy)


(1) Temporary tattoos of your choice (Any tattoos would work; they don't have to be metallic! The 99c Store/Dollar Tree sometimes have them.)
(2) Clear phone case
(3) Cleaning cloth/tissue (not shown)
(4) Water (not shown)


1. Since my phone case is clear, I decided to put the tattoo on the inside so that it wouldn't be easily rubbed off. Clean the inside surface of your phone case with a cleaning cloth/tissue and water.

2. Cut out your desired tattoo and play around with the placement on your phone case. Peel off the protective plastic layer and lay face down on the inside surface of your phone case.

3. Holding the tattoo in position, gently soak the tattoo paper with water and hold in position at least 30 seconds before removing the paper backing.

4. Peel off and let dry!

Applying temporary tattoos to different things would be a great and easy project to do with kids as well. Experiment with different types of tattoos; have fun!

** Don't wanna DIY? Prefer to B-U-Y? I'll be selling any extras I made, along with many other items, in my shop Two Teaspoons coming soon. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice phone case tattoo you got. You can also use a biodegradable wooden phone case. It is very durable, eco-friendly, and light in weight. They can be customized and has a good longevity.
