Friday, April 3, 2015

DIY | Tattooed Easter Eggs

Apologies since it's been quite while since my last post! I'm back with a quick & easy DIY on how to decorate Easter eggs using stuff from the dollar store that's also super fun to make with kids! I personally find the metallic flash tattoos really pretty but I don't think that I could pull it off on a daily basis. Another use for them is to upgrade your typical Easter eggs into something elegant and classy!

DIY Tattooed Easter Eggs

(Difficulty: Easy)


(1) Hard boiled eggs
(2) Metallic temporary tattoo sheets
(3) Scissors 
(4) Water 

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1. Boil your eggs! I got a whole dozen from the 99c store for $2!

2. Cut out your desired tattoo shape.

3. Peel off the protective plastic and place design-side down on the surface of your egg.

4. Wet the backing with water and hold for about 15 seconds.

5. Lift the paper off and allow to dry.

6. Repeat with as many tattoos as you like!

Ooh~ so shiny!

** Don't wanna DIY? Prefer to B-U-Y? I'll be selling any extras I made, along with many other items, in my shop Two Teaspoons coming soon. Stay tuned!

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