Monday, November 24, 2014

DIY | Kate Spade Inspired Leather Bow Belt

*Disclaimer: This post is brought to you courtesy of I received samples of their products in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and are in no way influenced by their company.

Here's the fifth and final tutorial for! Another Kate Spade inspired project...I do hope you guys aren't getting too tired of these! If you'd like to see what other projects I did for Endlessleather click here, and click here for more Kate Spade inspired DIYs!

Kate Spade's really big on bows so I was inspired to make a skinny belt version of this leather cuff!

Kate Spade Locked In Leather Bow Bracelet | My skinny belt version!

DIY Kate Spade Inspired Leather Bow Belt

(Difficulty: Easy)


(1) Flat leather lace 
(2) Pyramid stud
(3) Sew-on snaps
(4) E-6000
(5) Scissors

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1. At one end of your lace, make a loop of your desired size. The bigger the loop you form, the larger your bow will be. Pinch that area and secure with E-6000; let dry.

2. Now with the other end, form another loop the same size as your first and secure that point with glue to form a bow. Let dry.

3. Glue on the pyramid stud in the center of the bow. Flipping over the bow, glue on one sew-on snap. You can definitely choose to sew on the snap instead but leather is a bit tough to sew through.

4. Measure the belt around your waist/hips (depending on where you want to wear it) and trim to appropriate length, with an inch extra.

5. Glue the other snap onto the free end and let dry, making sure there are no twists in your lace and that your snaps fit together.

This is such a classy, understated belt that can make a plain outfit look more polished. Try experimenting with different types of studs and leather lace.

** Don't wanna DIY? Prefer to B-U-Y? I'll be selling any extras I made, along with many other items, in my shop Two Teaspoons coming soon. Stay tuned!


  1. Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I like your hack better than the original! I do love me some Kate Spade.

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